Sunday, October 16, 2011


I know babies projectile vomit.  I've seen it before.  I was told that I used to projectile vomit as a baby.  Did you know they can also project other body functions?

Today I learned first hand.

Let's start with Miles being a gassy baby.  If you've spent any length of time with us, you know Miles is a tooter.  So I woke him from sleeping in his swing to feed him.  Before we feed, we change the diaper.  I've learned that I should wait about 5 minutes from waking him up to actually change the diaper because he'll either pee or poop before the change is over.

Today was no different.  He was curling his legs up and tooting up a storm.  He stopped so I started to change the diaper.  After getting halfway done, he started tooting again.  I had his legs up and was wiping his bottom which set the trajectory.  He tooted and projectile pooped across the room.   For reals, shit bout hit the coffee table.  I didn't realize that was even possible.  I've been careful to not lift his legs too high because it makes him spit up sometimes, but now I have to watch where I stand when I change his diaper.  Luckily, I was standing to the left of the projectile and avoided being covered with it...

wonder what else today will bring

Saturday, October 15, 2011

New Hat

So I'm wearing a new hat these days.  It's a mom hat.  It kind of looks like dingy, unwashed, blonde hair in a pony tail, but I'm calling it my mom hat.

Travis and I had a baby boy, Miles David on Sept 8, 2011 at 9:48 AM.  Miles was born by c-section because he was breech.  He didn't turn because the cord was wrapped 3 times around his neck.  And I just thought he was stubborn like his momma!  I guess things happen for a reason.  So glad I got good advice not to try to turn the baby.  He was born 7 pounds 0.5 oz and was 18 inches short.  My little peach headed pumpkin.

a nose enema

So it's been a while since I blogged.  I've been busy being a lazy pregnant wife :) just ask Travis.  Our son, Miles David was born on Sept 8th.  I'll now try to blog more regularly (cause I have a TON of free time, hahaha).  Motherhood has been like everything else in my life, a fun ride.  Hope you enjoy. 

Last night I was watching Criminal Minds, did you know there was an all day marathon?  YUP, it was on until 2 AM!  Anyways, I was nursing Miles and was watching the TV more than baby cause it was late and I was in a trance....  

I kept feeling something dripping on my arm but figured it was sweat because we'd been sweaty all day when we nursed... I looked down and there were steady drops of milk coming out of Miles' nose.  I didn't move positions, he wasn't complaining, I didn't really understand what was happening and how he wasn't drowning....   I did stop and change positions after a few seconds when I realized what was going on. 

Apparently, I found the perfect nursing position that is the same position required for the successful use of a Neti Pot to flush your nose.  I always feel like I'm drowning when I use the Neti Pot.  Of course I gave my baby's nose an enema. 

Now off to eat dinner while the swing is keeping Miles sedated.