Saturday, July 31, 2010

Beginning in the middle

It was the second half of lunch and a few of the girls headed to the restroom.  There was always a line to go, so we stood talking.  My turn to go; I'm in the second or third stall from the wall.  I placed my bright red book bag on the floor.  I had just started to pull my pants down to use the restroom.  The stall doors are navy blue, like the junior high school colors.  I guess the person in the stall next to me leaving their stall... I can hear her unlock the stall.  I think she must be having some trouble opening it.  Stupid humidity makes the doors stick since they have 50 years of paint on the doors...

WHAM, she forces the door open or shut.... Whatever she does, she causes the doors to both our stalls to come off their hinges and fall to the floor.

Seriously?  Did that just happen?

There I am, scurrying to pull my pants up and play it cool.  Unfortunately, there is no way to be cool when you get caught with your pants down.... I look up.  I see my friends, jaws open, laughing at what just happened.

Are you kidding me???  I now have to pee but am not wanting to go into another stall...

I've always said I'm going to write a book one day and if I ever do, I'm going to start it with the story of the bathroom incident in junior high.  Why?  Because, it's so funny.  I am convinced if you opened a book at a book store and that story was the first page, you'd want to keep reading to see what else happens to the girl in the story. 

Yup, that girl is me.

I want to write some of the happenings that I like to call life.  Some of these stories will have happend years ago.  Others will be new storeis, as life is always an adventure, especially with me. 

I may include names of those who were present, as it maks the story more personal.  And those mentioned can verify that I couldn't make it up if I tried.

I will do my best to retell the story as I recall.  But, remember, it's just my take.

1 comment:

  1. You made me laugh today, I needed that. Can't wait to relive some of the moments :)
